Style & Save at a REAL Event

The Weekly Lowe's Ad was the only place i had to dig to find this event


How does Lowe’s do a bath event? They’re pretty smart to combine baths with kitchens and call it “Style & Save.” Another thing they’re smart about is connecting collections in-store to all the options on their app. They also do solution selling really well.

Wow. That’s a heck of a way to start. You’d think I shop at Lowe’s all the time. But I don’t. There are four Home Depots, four Menards, and probably a dozen Aces closer to me than Lowe’s. I’ve got Ace Rewards and Home Depot Pro accounts. I go to Lowe’s before I have to order online. But after this visit, I’m going to consider starting there. 

Before the Style & Save event, I noticed a Lowe’s Super Bowl LVIII promotion. We’ll dig into that next week. This week, the “Style & Save” event isn’t as prominent as Home Depot’s “Biggest Bath Event of the Year.” It was on the last page of the weekly ad, the second spot on the website, and I had to scroll quite a bit through the app to find it. Based on these insights, my in-store experience will be underwhelming.  After you scroll through the phones, you’ll see how wrong I was. shows “Style & Save” and clicks to a preselected “bathroom savings” category page.

The app has a Super Bowl promo. No “Big Game” language for Lowe’s. They’re an actual sponsor! I hit the “Style & Save” event after a few swipes.

The app provides an experience similar to the web but includes “popular filters.” Thanks for making your app different from the website Lowe’s!

Facebook has a cool video on customizing a cabinet with Style & Savings. Great inspiration for what’s in-store. This isn’t just a toilet and faucet event.

Instagram has the same post as Facebook. Meta makes it easy!

Pinterest is still talking holidays!

Store visits are a treasure hunt. Sometimes, you come up empty-handed. This time, there was gold everywhere. Styles. Savings. Services. Assortment. If it’s not here, Lowe’s makes it a click away.

Resetting stores is a lot of labor—lots of moving pieces. I’ve never been on that team. My wife and partner-in-crime lead a visual merchandising team for a mall anchor department store.  I remember overnights. They’re terrible. Nobody is productive at 3 AM. Pretty similar to shooting a TV spot in a store. The whole store gets moved around, actors are filmed, and the whole store is moved back again. You’d better get the hard lines, all the lines, before 3 AM. 

The amount of planning to execute this “Style & Save” event must be commended. Great work, team! The heavy stuff is on the floor, easy to get on a cart, adorned with great POS, and allows open sight lines to the solutions displayed in the rack. “$49-bathroom-style-for-less” clearly commands attention as you walk into the store. 

I apologize. My photo doesn’t justify this team’s excellence. But there is goodness in the details below.

A single vanity in the bay commands attention to the collection. Now that you’ve got my attention let me check out the deets.

Thanks for chunking the details into an easy-to-read box.  Thanks for putting all of the products below in the bay. But crud, I didn’t drive the truck today.

Thanks for QR code to the whole collection.  Now I can have it sent to my home. Wait there’s more on the collection page: flooring and paint colors, too!

The front-of-store event is also sign-posted with a Re-Bath partner display. Great idea. Consider moving the colors up so I don’t have to get on my knees.

OMG. You didn’t tack on this fantastic promotion with a pinned-on sign. Next time, consider how these two work together in the design phase. I love this promo. I bet 98.9% of vanity installs get a paint job.

Even a toilet paper adjacency! Well thought. Spectacular!



From front-of-store to the aisle, the Solutions Keep Coming.

Relevant installation messaging adjacent to the product is clear. Scan the code to set up an appointment or talk to an associate.

These five different bathroom vignettes do an excellent job of sign-posting the “Fashion Bath” category. Each one is complete with vanity, hardware, and even a paint color recommendation.

Complete bath solution in your style. 

The details—even different vanity sizes. 

There’s even a paint recommendation.

But wait, what about kitchens?

I mentioned this “Style & Save” event was baths and kitchens combined. While I did explore the kitchen category, I was the only one in the store taking pictures. I did stop and talk to an associate about a tub/shower faucet for a clawfoot tub. “Those are online only, partner,” he replied.

Execution is in the details, and there are a lot of details in the “Style & Save” event. There’s an excellent presentation of bath solutions for shoppers to buy in-store and find an expanded assortment online. The online collections connected to the QR codes are a great extension of the store. Paint, installation service, and cleaning supplies are also included. That’s a lot of folks working together!

  • Local Ad: Pass
  • Pro Inclusion: Hmm
    (I need to check into this)
  • Website front page: Pass
  • Website category page: Pass
  • Organic Social Media: OK
  • App Inclusion: Awesome
  • In-store inspiration: Awesome
  • In-store execution: Awesome
  • Solutions: Awesome
  • Install Services: Nice work

Menards sends a lot of crazy emails. Let’s talk about it next. 

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