99¢ Duct Tape is Awesome.

My day changed at 7:20 AM with this menards email.

Duct tape is only 99¢. Is it Black Friday in March? No, it’s Menards. Thank you, Menards, for saving the day with 99¢ duct tape. Without it, today I would have been writing about Stihl tools at Northern Tool + Equipment. But I’ll save that one. Today, it’s duct tape. 

I need some of this-sized duct tape. Since my brother-in-law bought a few cases, I’m stocked on the .75″ size.  There are definitely more uses for the OG-sized duct tape. Looking for ideas? You can find some here.

In stock! In Store! While supplies last. OK, let’s check out the details. Shop now.

Hey, I expected to hit the duct tap page. These are all the treasures included in the email. A $4.99 shove?

Great, there are over 300 rolls nearby. I need 2. And if I’m going to Menards, I’ve got to check for Jujubees. Remember, that’s the only place I could find them.

Only 3 detail photos. Great, nice-looking tape that tears easily by hand.

Nothing in use? With so many uses, consider something unexpected. Is this a bandaid or wart remover?

Let’s head to the store and grab 2 of the 362 rolls of duct tape on sale!

Treasure before we’re in the door! Hard to pass up.

Duct tape=Duct work Aisle. Am I right? It’s not Duck Tape brand.

Nope. Here’s the quality metal duct tape.

Tape aisle. If you’re curious, I believe there are 300 aisles numbered here.

Aha! Right below Duck Tape.

$2.99? I hope there is no clumsy price match at checkout. Remember, this is a daily deal. It’s pretty hard to sign SKUs daily.

No way Menards, you’re not getting me at checkout!

But all of my favorite chips are here.

Celebration of food, anyone?

$3.25. Saving big money is easy.

Sure, this got me to the store with the promise of 99¢ duct tape. I’m going to settle for $1.11 duct tape—hassle-free and without the 11% Menards mail-in rebate. And some candy for my bride.

Impulse! All of it, from start to finish. The promise of 99¢ duct tape changed the course of my day. It got me out of my house and into the store. I even added an item to my basket—exactly what Menards wanted. But they made it easy, and Menards should be rewarded for that.

One important thing to remember is the duct tape. It’s used for a multitude of things and is currently on sale. Can the above-the-fold content on the duct tape page offer more inspiration? Perhaps something unexpected, like lint removal, art, or a fungus remedy?

Menards has an 11% mail-in rebate on all purchases, and the nearby coffee shop is taking advantage of that. Mocha Joe would be proud.

See you at the store!

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